Health & Fitness

Understand the Different Treatment Methods for Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer affects the digestive system, it is the third most common cancer in the United States and is a major cause of cancer-related deaths. Specialists recommend regular screening for Astoria colon and rectal cancer for people at risk of the medical condition. Some factors that put you at risk of colorectal cancer are family history and especially having a first-degree relative such as your mother, sister, or child with the medical condition. Unfortunately, it is possible to have colorectal cancer without any signs and symptoms, which is why you should have regular screenings to always be on the safe side. The information below will help you understand the different treatment methods for colorectal cancer.

Treatment for Colorectal Cancer

The type of treatment your doctor uses depends on different factors, including the location of the tumor, cancer stage, whether the condition is recurrent, and a patient’s overall health. The various treatment methods for colorectal cancer include:


Chemotherapy treatment involves the use of drugs to destroy and kill malignant tumors. Drugs are delivered in different doses and schedules depending on the particular cancer your specialist is addressing. There are varying ways in which your doctor can administer these drugs, including intravenously through your via injection, orally, or by the pump. Chemotherapy is mainly used for patients with advanced colorectal cancer, whereby the malignant cells have spread to other body organs. Below are the different ways in which specialists use this treatment method:

· Primary chemotherapy shrinks cancer cells that have spread to other body organs such as your liver and lungs. In such cases, surgery is not an option to eliminate cancer cells. However, your doctor may use chemotherapy drugs to reduce the tumor sizes, relieve symptoms and extend lifespan.

· If a doctor schedules a surgical procedure for a cancer patient, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is used before the procedure to shrink the tumor size, allowing the surgeon to excise it better. Most of the time, specialists combine chemotherapy and radiation in such cases.

· Adjuvant chemotherapy is used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells that may not have been eliminated during surgery.


Immunotherapy is a newer treatment method that boosts a patient’s immune system reaction to cancer cells to help the body fight against the disease. It falls under two categories – active immunotherapy and passive immunotherapy:

· Active immunotherapy

Active immunotherapy works towards stimulating or promoting a patient’s immune system and may sometimes involve vaccines. It enables antibodies to recognize or notice abnormal cancer cells and destroy them. It is a new treatment method that is still under research and investigation.

· Passive immunotherapy

Passive immunotherapy involves the use of artificial antibodies that are manufactured in laboratories. Unlike active immunotherapy, passive immunotherapy does not use your body’s natural antibodies to kill cancer cells. However, the manufactured antibodies target specific malignant cells on colorectal cancer and destroys them.

Management of colorectal cancer is easier in its onset stages than when it has advanced. Book a session with your doctor at Surgical Specialists of NY for screening to start treatment and prevent cancer from spreading.

Ralph Ward
Ralph Ward is a writer. he wrote a blog because he writes to wrote and also shared the news with others.

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