Health & Fitness

How To Care For Older Populations With Respect

Older Populations

The growth rate of the aging population is eclipsing those of younger generations at an unprecedented rate. As a result, there are now more adults than ever seeking elderly care or that require assistance delivered through care homes.

Unfortunately, a WHO report found that nearly one out of six seniors aged 60 and older has experienced some form of abuse in a care setting over the past few years. As healthcare workers, nurses play a critical role in ensuring that the elderly receive optimal personal and medical care.

Below, we discuss some ways you can fulfill this responsibility as a nurse.

Critical traits needed to deliver optimal elderly care

While caring for the elderly can be fulfilling, at times it can be demanding and strenuous as well. Nurses need to possess several key traits and exercise a lot of skills to adapt effectively to the unique needs of elderly patients.

Some of these key traits include:


Patience is the cornerstone of elderly care. Some elderly patients can be difficult to work with due to resistance to change, physical challenges, cognitive issues or sensory problems. Nurses need patience to deal with these issues without being disrespectful.


Nurses also need to be flexible in responding to the immediate needs of elderly patients.


Nurses need to understand the unique needs of each patient and to actively seek ways to bring them reprieve and support.


Nurses need to show respect and refrain from being judgmental of patients. They need to respect their pain, emotions, privacy and decisions.

Important tips for caring for the elderly

The above traits are necessary but by no means sufficient. Nurses need well-rounded training and experience to deliver elderly care effectively.

A well-rounded degree program such as an Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) from a reputable institution such as Holy Family University can help you gain the expertise and practical experience needed to excel in the nursing field. With 100% online coursework, this program provides extensive exposure to the intricacies of adult care, from critical nursing theories to medical practices, and restorative and supportive interventions for the elderly.

Here are more tips to help you excel:

Cultivate deeper interpersonal skills

Communicating with the elderly requires a special set of skills. You need to consider possible hearing disabilities and communicate as patiently and audibly as possible.

Build competence in diagnosing and treating age-related ailments

Nurses are often the first point of call for elderly patients seeking treatment for their health challenges. You need to master handling these health challenges.

Ailments common among the elderly include:

  • Heart conditions such as hypertension, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and heart failure
  • Fatigue and low physical strength
  • Mental problems such as dementia, social anxiety disorders, depression and mood swings
  • Impaired hearing or vision

Encourage their independence

The less elderly patients depend on others, the more they can enjoy a sense of freedom and fulfillment. Caring nurses need to find ways to help elder patients gain back control over their lives.


Growing old doesn’t have to mean losing value or dignity. Nurses can play a critical role in ensuring that the aging population enjoys a high standard of living and easy access to adequate healthcare.

Ralph Ward
Ralph Ward is a writer. he wrote a blog because he writes to wrote and also shared the news with others.

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