Few things can drastically change a person’s life as much as reduced mobility does. Unfortunately, mobility problems face handicapped people and many people as they age. Therefore, living with these people is pretty much an everyday reality. Obviously, living with a handicapped or an elderly loved one who has significant mobility issues can be daunting.
Nevertheless, it is a responsibility that has to be borne with patience and love. So, how can you live with someone with mobility problems more conveniently? Let’s have a look at some things you can try out for the benefit of the handicapped or the elderly facing this problem.
How to Live with Elderly and Handicapped people with Mobility Problems
Learn How to Safely Handle Them
There is no getting around it – people with mobility challenges require special care. This might seem obvious since there are so many of them around. But you would be surprised how much you can learn about living with these people if you made the effort to learn a thing or two about how best to care for them.
Lack of mobility for handicapped or elderly people means that they have to be pushed, pulled, carried, and lifted. Given their plight, some of these people might not voice their concerns when mishandled since they are glad that someone is even willing to lend a hand. Nevertheless, the way they are handled often puts their health at risk and leaves them in physical distress.
Imagine this, if a loved one dealing with mobility issues is appreciative of your assistance even when it gets uncomfortable for them, how much more will they appreciate you when your assistance feels comfortable for them?
In fact, the reason a loved one with mobility for elderly might seem ungracious despite your assistance might have something to do with the way you handle them. Since you are doing this unknowingly, it would help to learn a thing or two on how best to move these people for increased comfort and safety.
Something as simple as asking them if they are comfortable can help you get feedback on how best to deal with the situation on an everyday basis; and it will satisfying for you as well to know that your little assistance is making the person happy.
Get them All the Resources they need to Improve their Mobility
This is one of the best things you can do for your immobile relative or loved one. Getting them the right equipment based on their special circumstances can help improve their mobility and make them less reliant on the assistance they get from people.
For instance, you can get wheelchairs, walking canes, walkers, risers, transfer discs, and even grab bars and so forth. You can also clear passages so that they can move around more easily. While at it, make sure they have disability parking permits if they can drive themselves around.
Socialize with Them
Life is harder on handicapped people with mobility issues and the elderly going through similar problems because their social lives suffer; and this is through no fault of their own. Once someone is in a wheelchair or needs some other form of assistance to get around, people start to look at them as a liability, even family members and friends.
Therefore, there is an unnoticed tendency to avoid them with the mentality that all they need is assistance getting around. However, these people need a full social life as well. This social engagement is good for their psychological health; and it makes the mobility issues less of a burden to them and to those who have to help them around as well. In other words, consider the physically challenged seniors and the handicapped as part of your social circle; and they will be better off for it.
Give them all the assistance they Need to Overcome their Immobility
Fortunately, in many cases, there is plenty that can be done to help the elderly and other people reduce their need for assistance due to their immobility. However, many of these people don’t get the help they need. Therefore, you can help them pursue therapies and exercises that might restore their physical health; and even help them get proper advice on how to deal with their situation so that psychological issues do not arise from their mobility challenges.
To Sum Up
Millions of people face mobility issues; and it’s not just the old people who face this problem. Because of their immobility, these people often end up being excluded from social life, suffering psychological issues, chronic health issues, and even lacking the proper means to overcome their immobility in cases where that is a possibility. Therefore, if you live with someone with mobility challenges above are some things you can do to make life easier on them; and yourself as well.