Dental Care

Sensitive Teeth -Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Sensitive Teeth -Symptoms

If you feel discomfort or pain while having hot or cold stuff like coffee, tea, ice cream, etc., it might be due to sensitivity. If you suffer from tooth sensitivity or dentin hypersensitivity, your teeth will become vulnerable to cold or hot temperatures. People having sensitive teeth feel sudden pain when they intake hot or cold food, which disappears initially. Studies also reveal that around 30% of the population experience teeth sensitivity. Therefore, if you experience teeth sensitivity, contact your dentist and learn more about avoiding such teeth sensitivity.

Sensitive teeth: symptoms, causes, and treatments

Pain caused due to tooth sensitivity can be temporary or chronic. Your dentist will inform you about the cause of your sensitive teeth after examining your oral health. He will also suggest an effective sensitive teeth treatment plan once the symptoms are known. Your symptoms will help your dentist determine the treatment plan.

The main cause of teeth sensitivity can be the person’s lifestyle and improper oral hygiene. Some people experience dental sensitivity due to thinner enamel. Listed below are some of the causes of sensitivity.

  1. A hard toothbrush or putting a lot of pressure on teeth while brushing can lead to tooth sensitivity.
  2. Grinding the teeth while sleeping can cause dentin hypersensitivity.
  3. Consuming acidic foods and beverages.
  4. Improper oral hygiene, broken tooth, cracked tooth, and the chipped tooth can cause tooth sensitivity.
  5. Gastrointestinal reflux causes acid from the stomach to pass on to the mouth and can cause erosion of the teeth’ enamel.
  6. Receding gums expose the teeth leading to sensitivity.

When teeth come in contact with different temperatures, like hot and cold, they can trigger discomfort or sharp pain. There can also be other health disorders leading to sensitivity that involves other body parts. Other symptoms accompanying sensitivity are receding gums, bad mouth, swelling of gums, and redness.

Other symptoms can be visible in other body parts. The person may experience heartburn, sinus pain, indigestion, difficulty opening the mouth, jaw pain, indigestion, and many more. It can also indicate a severe health issue. Talking to your dentist to protect oral health conditions is always better.

Sensitive teeth treatment

One can start focusing on oral hygiene if the sensitivity is not severe. Brushing mildly and using a soft toothbrush can be effective for sensitive teeth. Even after making lifestyle changes and following strict oral hygiene, if the sensitivity persists, then you should visit your dentist. Your dentist will examine for problems like cavities, receding gums, and loose fillings that might cause sensitivity.

Ralph Ward
Ralph Ward is a writer. he wrote a blog because he writes to wrote and also shared the news with others.

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