Health & Fitness

Things to know about the ear wax

ear wax

Most people don’t need to do anything with their earwax except leave it alone. But some people have too much earwax or it builds up too quickly, causing discomfort, itching or hearing loss. Some people use cotton swabs to try to clean their ears, but this usually pushes wax deeper into the ear and can cause injury, such as a hole in your eardrum or damage to your hearing bones. Here are some methods that are safe for most people to use to get rid of excess ear wax:

Ear wax, also called cerumen, is a normal part of the ear’s anatomy. It helps to protect the ear from dirt and bacteria, and it helps to keep the ear dry.

Ear wax can sometimes build up in the ear canal and cause problems such as hearing loss or ringing in the ears. Ear wax buildup may also attract insects into the ear.

Many people struggle to remove excess ear wax on their own. In some cases, this can lead to further complications or injuries.

Earwax is a natural part of our body’s defenses. It helps keep the ear clean and free of infections. For more information contact

“But earwax can sometimes build up and cause problems,” said Dr. Seth Schwartz, an otolaryngologist and assistant professor of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Earwax isn’t there by accident. It serves several functions:

  • It helps prevent dirt and debris from getting into the ear.
  • It keeps the skin in the ear canal lubricated, thus preventing itchy and dry ears.
  • It helps prevent infection of the ear canal.

The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery recently issued new guidelines for dealing with earwax, or cerumen as doctors call it. The group says that doctors should only remove earwax from patients who have symptoms or if they’re having a medical procedure in the ear. These guidelines are intended to help prevent overuse of these treatments.

“Cotton swabs push wax deeper into the canal,” Schwartz said. “A lot of people think you’re supposed to clean your ears with a cotton swab, but that can actually make things worse.”

If left alone, earwax will usually fall out on its own. You may need to take special precautions to soften or remove excess wax.

Earwax is a substance produced in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. It protects the skin of the human ear canal, assists in cleaning and lubrication, and provides some protection from bacteria, fungi, insects and water. Earwax consists of shed skin cells, hair, and the secretions of cerumenous glands in the ear canal. The wax is composed of keratin, fat, squalene and alcohols (mostly 2-octanol). Excess or impacted cerumen can press against the eardrum and/or occlude the external auditory canal and impair hearing.

The main symptom of impacted earwax is partial deafness. Other symptoms may include:


Ear discharge


Itching of the ear


Fullness in the ear

Ralph Ward
Ralph Ward is a writer. he wrote a blog because he writes to wrote and also shared the news with others.

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