Several diseases affect the blood vessels, such as the arteries, veins, and capillaries. It also affects the lymphatic system – a system containing lymph, a fluid with white blood cells that help fight infections. Any anomaly that affects the blood vessels and the lymphatic system is called a vascular disease. Blood vessels are important in your body since they ensure that all organs get enough supply of blood. If you need the help of an endovascular specialist in Mesa, Kirk Minkus, M.D. has advanced training and offers vascular and interventional treatment that aims to help you return to your normal life. The endovascular specialist makes sure that you understand all the available treatment options, thus providing a safe and comfortable environment. Many endovascular diseases are treated with medications, lifestyle changes, and regular exercise; for severe cases where the doctor recommends surgery, the specialist helps develop a good relationship by ensuring that they prioritize your interests.
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Is surgery necessary for endovascular diseases?
Patients who have vascular diseases may or may not need surgery, and this depends on the condition. If the condition is detected early, there may be no need for surgery since the doctor will have detected it in its initial development and offer treatment. The doctor will then give advice such as a change of lifestyle and medication. For other people, surgery may be necessary when the blood vessels are blocked or ruptured. Some conditions might call for surgery; these may include leg pain that develops ulcers, poorly managed hypertension, aneurysms, bulged arteries, blood clot anomalies, and other serious problems.
What causes vascular diseases?
The cause of vascular diseases depends on the particulars of the disease. The causes may include:
- Infection
- Heredity
- Build up of fats and cholesterol in the walls of your arteries in a process known as atherosclerosis
- Thrombus; this is blockage of blood vessels caused by blood clots or debris called an embolus
- Vasculitis
- Injury
- Diseases of the heart
What are the risk factors for vascular diseases?
Vascular diseases are mostly caused by hereditary and lifestyle factors. Although risk factors increase the chances of acquiring diseases, they do not necessarily cause the condition. The common causes include:
- Smoking
- Diabetes
iii. High level of fats in blood vessels (Hyperlipidemia)
- Lack of exercise
- High blood pressure
- Overweight
vii. Age
viii. Pregnancy
- History of the presence of family diseases such as heart attack
- Infection or damage to blood vessels
Can I prevent vascular disease?
Yes, some precautions can help you prevent vascular diseases. These include changes in lifestyle, such as healthy eating and regular exercise, using medications such as those for high blood pressure and cholesterol, control your weight, limit alcohol intake, quit smoking, and manage underlying conditions such as diabetes.
It is important to always keep healthy to prevent the possibility of such diseases. If you have the aforementioned risk factors, it will be useful to visit the doctor for screening and treatment. Early diagnosis also will help you get appropriate treatment and prevent further complications, thus ensuring that you lead a happy life.